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  • divineloveambassad

The beginning of Divine Love Ambassador.

Updated: Apr 17, 2023

In 2022 I got the clear guidance that I was ready to more fully actualise myself as Divine Love Ambassador and I created a Facebook group and invited some people into it.

7 years previous to this as I was walking in the forest and my thoughts were getting caught up in feelings of I was not doing enough. I got the clear message ' I AM a Divine Love Ambassador' . I paused my egoic rambling mind in that moment in shock and amusement with my response thought of ' I think you got the wrong person '.

2022 Births DLA facebook group.

In the beginning weeks I was inspired to make use of the group to post live videos daily for 7 days. The invitation was to support both myself and those whom choose to join me to commit to showing up daily and especially on the days we were not feeling our best selves or all loved up and lovable ; to love ourselves and one another through those more challenging moments and in the process inspire ourselves and each other.

My Vision for DLA ?

My dreamy visions for Divine Love Ambassador is supporting both myself and others to thrive and lead as way showers of embodying compassionate authentic love vibrations. Embodying a frequency of pure joyful creativity and vibrant grace. To use the power of unconditionally love to dissolve the shadow aspects of our humanity back into the light of consciousness and wholeness. To be unwavering in knowing and being ourselves as LOVE.

How do I envision to create this ?

To launch Divine Love Ambassador Academy to connect with resonate community and co-create with practicing higher consciousness and frequency living.

Upload videos of incredible journeys via Quantum Hypnosis to understand more of whom we are via going deeper within the self by shifting brain waves.

Live it each day to the best that we can knowing this is not about trying to be perfect, it is about allowing ourselves to be more authentic and embrace the human journey as a gift we get to experience, grow, learn and evolve through in a more awakened loving state of being.

Join my Divine Love Ambassador Facebook group HERE

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