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Powerful Past Life Regression with Alba Weinman. Antidote to Suffering. Balancing the dualities.

Updated: Apr 17, 2023

In July 2021 I booked a Soul Trauma release hypnosis session with Alba. A few weeks previous to this when I booked the session, I burst into a deep release of what felt like cathartic tears. Within the actual session I finally get to the root cause of the tears and the traumatic life time that imprinted " suffering " into my energy field and created the erroneous beliefs around my definition of GOD. Beliefs which I would further explore in more incarnations as a soul on earth in order to finally put down this cross of suffering in this lifetime and return it all to Divine Love and Light.

A little background information for the session.

I met Alba in 2014 at a level 2 training we both attended with Dolores Cannon to learn her Quantum Healing Hypnosis technique. Dolores developed this technique through working with clients over a forty year period. It was a delight and honour for us both and 50 or so people to attend this training. Little did we know that it would be Dolores last live QHHT training and that she would transition her body a few months later.

Since then Alba has dedicated herself to the world of hypnosis and trained in other hypnosis modalities also. Currently she uses her own method of hypnosis. On her Youtube Channel you can find 100's of fascinating client sessions. Sessions where people are recounting and reliving other incarnation on earth and other planets. The sessions are very educational and heart-mind expanding.

I also continue to practice Dolores QHHT technique with my in person clients a long with the guidance of my intuitive channel. For on-line clients I offer introspective hypnosis sessions. Both are very powerful to take my clients into deep hypnosis trance theta brain wave and time travel to gain deep insights, clarity, healing and ultimately empowering greater wholeness and realisations of love and being loved.

How do I book a session with Mary Jo or Follow Alba's work?

Alba is a busy hypnosis bee these days. Her online Youtube Channel currently has over 70,000 followers and her hypnonis videos get viewed by 1000's upon 1000's of eager watchers. Find her under the name Alba Weinman or visit her website www,

I myself prefer to stay out of the hypnosis limelight online. I have uploaded a few videos over the years to my Day

Spa & Retreat channels. I have mainly been focusing on running my Day Spa & Retreat centre for the last 13 years in Hanmer Springs my time has been divided. I am multi passionate and love being involved in a mix of activities. Since 2020 I have enjoyed much more " me time " alone in nature and going deeper with my inner soul integration work. This has been a delight and joy to my heart as I have been learning to step back from my business and allow other people to take over the teaching of Yoga and Massage bookings etc I focus on the massage trainings and I do still offer a few QHHT bookings monthly.

Here is my webpage to review the session, price and emailing to arrange a date to book in with myself. LINK HERE

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