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Divine HUman Being

The Divine Love Ambassador seed was planted into my awareness 9 years ago. 


In Jan 2022 I felt energetically aligned and inspired to take action and I created the facebook group. 

In 2023 I bought the domain name and started to create a website. 

In 2024 I felt compelled while in silent meditation to get up and start the podcast. 

Join our Facebook group by clicking HERE

Read blogs


Listen & follow the  Podcasts.

Subscribe to the Youtube Channel


I share my souls wisdom and that of my guests via authentic human stories, qhht sessions, inspired streams of consciousness, multifaceted insights, empowering wellness tips, A-ha awakening and self realisation moments gathered along the way plus a depth of vulnerability, galactic multidimensional tones, frequencies and cosmic giggles.


Take what resonates and leave the rest !



Divine Love Blessings

Mary Jo Halligan 


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Welcome to this Divine Portal. 

Like all the good things that have unfolded in my life, I simply followed the guidance of my heart and that eventually lead me to create this webpage and develop a platform to connect and inspire a earth tribe of Divine Love Ambassador living ones innate birthright as divinity and birthing LOVE 2.0. 

I am delighted your heart guided you to this website. I look forward to connecting more and co-creating EMPOWERING JOYFUL LOVE 2.0 VIBRATIONS. TONES & FREQUENCIES. 

A good place to start is to explore my DLA BLOGS & PODCAST 
DLA facebook group page HERE 

Subscribe to the DLA Newsletter

Thanks for submitting!


Currently Travelling and House Sitting around New Zealand


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